
Invest in your teen's future with Christian mentors.

Complete 1:1 Mentorship


per month, billed monthly
Help your teen by giving them a trusted Christian mentor that can help them navigate the unique challenges they face everyday.
Get the perfect Christian mentor for your teen
Unlimited text messages with their mentor
Weekly calls with their mentor
Comprehensive mentorship plan
Monthly parent updates from your teen's mentor
First month completely free
Get a Mentor

Ongoing Benefits

On-going access to a mentor via text messaging and calling.

Growth opportunities for your teen as they are guided by their mentor.

Trusted and secure mentorship platform, designed with security in mind.


How do I get a mentor?

Start by applying using the Get a Mentor button, this will kick start the matching process to find you the perfect mentor.

What devices can I use with my mentor?

Most of our members use their phone to connect via text messaging and phone calls with their mentor.

Is my personal information secure during a mentorship?

Yes, trust is critical to a mentorship relationship. Of course, if there is anything concerning or dangerous going on then a parent will be looped into the conversation. All conversations are recorded and monitored by a member of our staff to ensure appropriate boundaries on all conversations.

How are parents involved in the mentorship process?

Every month, the mentor will send a progress update to the parents with an overview of their activity for the month. We encourage parents to take a proactive approach to communicating and engaging with their teen.

How do you select and train your college mentors?

We are highly selective in our process of finding the absolute best mentors for TrailGuides. They go through a rigorous application and interview process, in addition to on-going training, discipleship, and background checks regularly conducted.
If you have any further questions, please reach out to our friendly support team.
Contact Support

“TrailGuides fits into my busy schedule, delivering prompt and convenient mentorship right when I need it.”
